It’s Tiki Time @ Towanda

Tiki Barber visits Camp Towanda!

Last fall Tiki Barber promised us he would visit Towanda and he made good on that promise this past Sunday!  While we have been in rainy-day mode for a couple of days (mud ghost, water basketball, arena soccer, volleyball, boating, gymnastics, bumper cars, arts & crafts, basketball, rollerblading, etc.)….the skies cleared to make way for former NY Giants running back Tiki Barber.

Tiki Barber was a good sport and everyone was thrilled to meet him.  Here are some photo highlights of his visit to Camp Towanda!

hands on heads
Tiki got called up to lead the prayer! “Hands on heads”.
“Tiki Barber to the head table”
We introduced Tiki to our home field…the GHOST court and showed him how it’s done!
hiding behind tiki
Tiki goes from running back to lead blocker during a game of Ghost!
older boys
Shaking hands, meeting our campers, talking sports and life at Towanda
Boy on girls’ camp!
tiki and pelton
Tiki Barber…clap, clap, clap, clap, clap!
A great day @ Camp Towanda with one of the NY Giant’s greatest players of all-time!


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