Conditions of S’more Tour Enrollment
Realizing that the orderly operation of Camp is of the utmost importance, We agree to comply with all Camp rules, policies and regulations. Camp reserves the right to dismiss a camper or family whose conduct and/or in!uence is detrimental to the health, safety or general operating procedures of Camp. We understand that the part of the camping experience involves activities, group living arrangements and interactions that may be new to our child. We are aware of these risks, and we are assuming them on behalf of our child. We recognize that no environment is risk‐free and so We have instructed our child on the importance of abiding by the camp’s rules. We and our child both agree that he/she is familiar with these rules and will obey them. Furthermore, if any of our family members or guests trips or falls walking, participating, or doing anything while picking up, dropping off or visiting, etc… We assume all responsibility and cannot hold Camp liable; otherwise We or any persons in our party will not come on camp property, as there are inherent risks such as roots, paths, rocks, fences, etc.
In addition, We understand Camp is not responsible and is held harmless for damage or loss of money, jewelry, equipment, clothing or other personal articles. DO NOT SEND VALUABLES TO CAMP. We understand that valuable items are brought to Camp at our own risk. We clearly understand that cell phones or electronic devices are not permitted and that Camp will not be responsible for them. It is agreed that any dispute or cause of action arising between the parties, whether out of this agreement or otherwise, can only be brought in the Court of Common Pleas located in Wayne County, Pennsylvania, and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of Pennsylvania.
On Site medical care is provided at Camp by medical staff, but should it be necessary for the well being of the camper to use outside medical aid, all expenses involved, including co‐pay charges, will be paid by the parents of the camper concerned. An up‐to‐date completed and signed medical form must be received by Camp by June 1st of the current Camp season. Any prescriptions, medical supplies, orthodontic or optical work may be billed directly to the parent. If it is necessary, in the judgment of the Camp Directors, to use outside medical, surgical, or dental aid for the camper’s health, We hereby permit and authorize him/her to do so. We understand that all medical related expenses are our responsibility and We must submit our own insurance claims.
We hereby state that the camper is in good, normal health so that the camp can provide the best environment for my child and that we have disclosed any and all medical or emotional conditions that may affect my child’s health or behavior. We have also indicated and made clear any and all medical needs to the Directors.
We further authorize the camp medical staff to discuss any medical conditions with the director, his/her designee, or the child’s counselor when the medical staff, in its sole discretion, believes such communication to be in the best interest of the child.
Without further consideration, we consent that all photos, videos, digital or audio recordings taken of our child may be used by Camp for promotional, advertising or internet purposes.
Online, digital or faxed signatures will be considered legal and binding. We have read and accept all the terms and conditions set forth herein.