Corn Flake Chicken Recipe

Our campers love cereal for breakfast.  So you can imagine their excitement when we said we were making Corn Flake Chicken at our culinary cooking class with Chef Paulette!  Try this delicious, fun and healthy twist on chicken.  Winner, winner, yummy chicken dinner!

Send us your own favorite camp-inspired recipes to be featured on our blog (and you can even send us a pic of you and your creation!)–send all recipes and photos to [email protected].











5) BAKE AT 400 FOR 25 MINS


Vanishing Oatmeal Cookie Recipe

Remember these delicious cookies that we whipped up this summer at our Culinary Cookin’ Class at The Farm with Chef Paulette?  They disappeared so fast, we couldn’t get enough of them!  See if your family gobbles them up as fast as our campers! Give them a try at home and let us know how fast they disappear.  And don’t forget to send us your own favorite camp-inspired recipes to be featured on our blog (and you can even send us a pic of you and your creation!)–send all recipes and photos to [email protected].  Bon Appetite!


1 stick of butter

¾ cup firmly packed brown sugar

½ cup granulated sugar

2 eggs

1 teaspoon vanilla

1 ½ cups all purpose flour

1 teaspoon baking soda

1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

½ teaspoon salt

3 cups quick or old fashioned oats

1 cup chocolate chips or raisins

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a large bowl, cream the butter and sugar on medium speed until creamy

Add eggs and vanilla and beat well

Add combined flour, baking soda, cinnamon and salt mix well

Portion dough rounded teaspoonful onto ungreased cookie sheets…you can use parchment paper

Bake 8-10 minuted or until light golden brown. Cool 1 minute on cookie sheet

Makes 4 dozen cookies

Camp Towanda Wayne County Results

The Summer of 2012 was a home run for Towanda Athletics!

Campers of all ages proudly wore their Towanda uniforms to compete in the Wayne County and Intercamp Tournaments. While we are always proud of the many championships and trophies we brought home to camp this summer, we are even more proud of the sportsmanship and respect that our campers show during these events.  Congratulations to our Champions, Winners and of course to everyone that put their hearts into every game they played.  You rocked the field, the court and the county!

Here are the Wayne County Tournament results from the 2012 season:

  • Boys 10th/11th Grade Baseball Wayne County Champions 2012
  • Boys 5th Grade Basketball Wayne County Champions 2012
  • Girls 10th/11th Grade Lacrosse Wayne County Champions 2012
  • Boys 10th/11th Grade Lacrosse Wayne County Champions 2012
  • Boys 7th Grade Soccer Wayne County Champions 2012
  • Boys 10th/11th Grade Team Tennis Wayne County Champions 2012
  • Girls 7th Grade Softball Wayne County Champions 2012
  • Girls 8th Grade Soccer Wayne County Champions 2012
  • Boys 7th Grade Lacrosse Wayne County Champions 2012
  • Girls 10th/11th Grade Soccer Wayne County Champions 2012
  • Girls 5th Grade Soccer Wayne County Champions 2012
  • Boys 7th Grade Baseball Wayne County Champions 2012

So bye bye Miss American Pie

Mitch shares his reflections on the last day of camp and the summer that was, in his emotional last blog of the summer.

And in the end, the love you take is equal to……

One hot day; packing; emotional; items without names; nailing the bunk plaque onto the wall forever; one last american pie; one last flag lowering; final banquet; emotional words; reflections; moments; long lasting thunderstorm; a super Friday Nite Flix inside the field house; rolling thunder; tear jerking songs (Long & Winding Road, You’ve Got a Friend, Time of Your Life, Friends theme, Elton John’s Friends, Our House, Imagine, Leaving on a Jet Plane, Lean on Me, Homeward Bound, In My Life, Circle Game, So Far Away and Landslide—to name a few); burning of the numbers in a surreal setting as the Dorm & Club led camp in a final “Friends, Alma Mater and Taps” as everyone stood arms around shoulders looking through the open amphitheater doors as 2012 burned on the hillside while the rain poured down; followed by one last milk & cookies—and then boys camp bunk time before bedtime while the girls sang some more songs- all to make for a bittersweet end to an incredible summer for our children.

Reveille sounded at 6:15am today.  We all have smiles and tears for all so many reasons we accomplished as one big family.

I will share with you some of what I said at last night’s evening line-up:

“I’ve always said that the trouble with camp is that it ends. It ends for the summer and then for some, it ends forever. Although perhaps it means saying goodbye to friends you won’t see for 10 months, if ever again …that might mean that decades later, the memories,  the smell, the sounds of camp remain the BEST of what you have known.

From singing American Pie, to last night’s show, to all the activities, fun and friends…….

So, as we prepare to leave our summer home, summer family, Stephanie and I wish you all only the best of health, happiness, prosperity and goodness…..

It has been a great summer… has been a pleasure watching each and everyone of you personally, grow, learn and discover things about yourself you did not realize you could do, become an important person in our camp family….

And as we all go our separate ways, don’t forget that everyone here at lineup right now takes a bit of Towanda with them, even if you will never be back here…..   thank you, we appreciate all that we have done together this summer of 2012; we will miss you all… call me, maybe!!”

And then during the banquet, towards the end of the evening, I added something like this:

“I consider myself one lucky guy to be in the position that I am in as your Camp Director, I never take it for granted; I try my best and always want everyone to do the same.

I hope that you find something you love and then with some luck, be able to make it your career and then you’ll never feel as if you are working;

Camp Towanda is my home, my life, my family, my business, my passion while at the same time is all of our summer home.

I could not do it without the support of Stephanie and all that she contributes, especially behind the scenes. Keeping me and the senior staff balanced, healthy and clear.

I could not run camp without her  and without my 2 winter sons, Brandon and Jared, who realize and also contribute to all that goes into planning and running camp before and after everyone gets here.

To our amazing senior staff, counselors, KMP, office, laundry, drivers…and everyone…we are ALL Towanda!

Thanks again.”

To our camper’s parents, I say thank you for entrusting your chidren to us; we will miss them tremendously; enjoy them for 10 months; after a brief rest, we’ll be ready to get geared up in just 315 days when “I BET camp will be great in LUCKY 2013”!!

Signing off,

Mitch & Stephanie

PS: Did anybody my blog posts this summer?

P.P.S. Towanda Times is hot off the press…get our final summer issue here:

Towanda has talent…and a lot of HEART

What another great day… we ALL went to the Wayne County Fair. Hot, blazing, 90 degree fun!  Everyone with a  smile, cotton candy, chicken wing pretzel sandwiches or member of our ever-growing non-exclusive root beer mug club!

We had a dance party in the amphitheater as warm-up to the talent show. Of course, the dance party is only to classic rock; I get chills when the whole camp is singing the words to COME TOGETHER, BUILD ME UP BUTTERCUP and SWEET CAROLINE!

The Talent show was hysterical, warm and entertaining; so many great acts, but I have to tell you; rather, WE have to tell you about one very special moment.  Picture this…

Two of our 9 year old girls from G-2, cheered on not only by their bunk and groupmates, but the entire camp, on stage, with the spotlights beaming. They single handedly brought down the house while at the same time created a new camp song, one for the ages….  Titled “Fall”….

Oh my, we were all mesmerized…… they wrote this on behalf of all the campers:

Olympics is clashin’
I’m surrounded by magic
Mitch and Casper have passed
You guys have to face it
Something is special to us
Camp Towanda
Big dreams are finally here
Why don’t you come and start to play
Soccer and basketball cover the Towanda Times
That’s what we want
But if you could go inside this camp
Then, you will see…
Camp Towanda won’t let you
Fall, fall, fall
Camp Towanda won’t let you
Fall, fall, fall
Camp Towanda won’t let you fall.
If you could look inside this camp
You will see Camp Towanda won’t let you
Fall, fall, fall
Camp Towanda won’t let you
Fall, fall, fall
Camp Towanda won’t let you fall
If you are new here, what do you do?
You make new friends; then, you come to Bunk 2
Friday Night Flix
It’s the best out of this
We don’t have a favorite pick
I know you’re a light sleeper
I’m kind of getting weaker
For getting you to sleep here
Upper camp: Hershey
Lower camp: Dorney
We can do it for the dreams of…
Music in Olympics
Rope Burning
You’ll have the best time of your life
I’m seeing some Ghost & Gaga
In the All-Star race, gonna run real far
Just for a reminder…
This camp won’t let you fall!!

Nothing else to say, but it has been a great summer.

Standing Ovation MITCH and A Shining Moment STEPHANIE

Occupy Mess Hall, Bunk Feast and Fort Night!

After taking 5 days off from my daily Blog and judging 5 days of Ghost games, I’m back! (thank you to my Olympic news correspondents for their excellent coverage).

Now, where was I? Oh yes, Olympics ended a near tie and the we had a real honest to goodness Lazy Day….almost!

Monday started off with NO reveille and then an on campus porch breakfast; very relaxing…the kids got to catch up, mellow out and hang out after 5 incredible Olympic days… then we had lunch and planned a fun co-eding afternoon.

But the campers kind of OCCUPIED THE MESS HALL and had their presidents attempt to enforce a full morning and afternoon LAZY DAY. Well, after a sit in on the floor of the dining hall (no 5 second rule applied) and an impeachment of the Camp Presidents and 5 year club presidents; the lame duck former Presidents of 2011 rose from their retirement to negotiate a peaceful compromise for a great afternoon of more lazy day, canteen for everyone and a general swim!!!!  The people of Towanda reunited and all was well.   Monday evening was a nice, casual dance party.

Tuesday morning started with an HC hosted special early morning thank you breakfast for the Group Leaders; followed by an 8:45 AM reveille.  Co-ed acxtivities in the morning along with bunk plaque signings (can you believe we are already signing the bunk plaques? where did the summer go?). The afternoon was the jubilant 90th annual logo awards (everyone gets something).  Last night was one of the favorites: Bunk Feast and Fort Night!

In the late hours of the evening, some secret late night campfires for the older groups as reflections, traditions and thoughts of next summer rested against the sounds of crickets during a relatively cool late summer night.

We wake up this morning and go to the Wayne County Fair….. deep fried Oreos, sheep shaving, dizzy rides, pig races and bbq chicken stuffed pretzels highlight the day!   The whole camp is at the fair and it is fun to watch the older campers with the younger campers!  We love this day, too! Pssst, the first time I will be off camp property since orientation!

As Stephanie and I continue to reflect on this summer, I wanted to share this wonderful letter we received today:

As you know, we have travelled the world and watched our children experience growth, love, hardship, beauty, amazement, devastation, enlightenment, struggle, challenge, adversity, uniqueness, diversity, perspective, and so much more.  I would like to think that our travels have helped mold the kids they are today, and how they show up at camp.

But what I have witnessed from afar this summer outshines anything I have seen in both of them before and after our journeys around the world.  Their attitudes and perseverance has surpassed anything I have seen at home.  As sometimes reserved and/or private (shy) they both tend to be at school, it seems to have no existence in camp.  From trying out for plays and sports teams, running for president, leading girls’ sing, letting ‘drama’ and fearful bunk placement roll off, excelling as leaders, and giving their all- both my son and daughter have soared above my expectations, which honestly tend to be quite high .

Camp is truly their happy place. Thank you for bringing out the best in both of them.

With so much gratitude,

We get many letters from parents on a daily basis and we appreciate it; thank you so much, we are truly honored, proud, humbled and take the responsibility seriously.

From the home office in Honesdale, PA…we’re off to the fair!!!!


Letters from Parents

Throughout the 2012 summer, we have received hundreds of wonderful emails from parents, capturing the Camp Towanda experience through their eyes (and their children’s).  We wanted to share a few of these letters with you:


Dear Mitch & Stephanie,
How do you do it?  Are you sure there is nothing in the water or bug juice up there?  As a first year parent at Towanda, we received a letter from our child today proclaiming, “Camp is now my 2nd home.”  While I can’t wait to have my baby back on Friday, I am now certain that whatever has been going on at camp this summer has had a remarkable and lasting impact .

Thank you!

Letter # 2:

Hi Mitch and Stephanie,

I have wanted to write this since the first week of camp, but every time I went to start, something new happened at camp, or I got an even better letter from my daughter than the week before, so I thought, I should just wait to write this until she gets home, because every week seems to bring her  camp experience, and ours as parents, to an even higher level.  But now with only days left until when I planned to send this, I can’t hold it in anymore…  THERE IS NO PLACE LIKE CAMP TOWANDA.  OK, that said…

I will tell you that from the first day we signed her up for camp, you have made our family feel like family.  She has always been very attached to us, doesn’t really love to have sleepovers out of our house, prefers playdates at our house, and in the past has had some transition issues with new things.  You made the transition to camp absolutely seamless.  Of course she was nervous when she got on the bus, but she was so prepared with all of the information and hand holding that you provided, she got on the bus with a big hug, wave and a smile.

Of course we were nervous those first few days.  And then we got the first letter…  “I am having SUCH a good time.  My bed is so pretty!  I’m friends with everyone in my bunk.  ”  Next (our favorite) was a fill in the blank…  Biggest surprise so far – “I don’t miss anyone and I do not want to go home”.  What I like most about camp – “Everything”.  What I like least about camp – “Nothing”!!!

They only got better and better from there.  And then we saw her on Visiting Day, and she exuded confidence and happiness that I had never seen in her before, as well as a new level of independence that she could not have achieved at home.  Plus, the campers and counselors in her bunk were all AMAZING.  What an incredible group of down-to-earth girls and counselors and CITs who were absolutely wonderful with them.

What is so amazing about Towanda, is that it truly balances it all.  The need for kids to develop friendships on their own, develop independence, learn new skills in sports, arts, and more, to feel comfortable enough to just be kids and be themselves, and just have FUN – and that balance is SO hard to find.  There is a depth and richness in your program that I don’t think exists anywhere else.  Because it works for the athlete, the non-athlete, the outgoing child, the more reserved child, it is a remarkable formula.

When I look at her smile beaming in all the pictures, it’s more than just happiness, she looks so RELAXED.  So comfortable, and with the pressures of school, and activities, and social things, and all the other “stuff” kids have to deal with throughout the year, I can see on her face that she truly got a needed break from it all.  I can see on her face that Towanda will be for her what it was for me – a special home away from home that she will always treasure.

I spent 9 wonderful summers at Towanda and all I can say is that you have honored the traditions and history of Camp Towanda and then made it even better.  I am so happy for my daughter (and soon my son in 2014) that they will have this experience.

And I am so happy for us, as parents, that we can give our children the gift of Camp Towanda.  Twenty three years since my CIT summer, my favorite childhood memories are from Camp Towanda and my camp friends are still my closest of friends.  We really do share something that no one else can understand.  And nothing makes me happier than knowing that my children will have their friends and these amazing memories that will last a lifetime.

So this is as long of a “thank-you” as I’m sure you wanted, but to say that the summer exceeded our expectations would be an understatement.  We are overwhelmed.

Thank you, thank you, and thank you,


Dear Mitch & Stephanie,

Please share this with parents considering camp for next year.

If you have a parent who is questioning whether or not Camp Towanda is for their child, send them my way because I would NEVER have thought my daughters  would be able to separate and love camp the way they do!   I mean never!  They are different here at Towanda!  Confident, willing and happy to try new activities and new friends; separate from home!

Truly amazing….words cannot express our gratitude.

2 Very Happy Parents (write that instead of our names)!!

Day 4 & 5: Apache, Sing and the Winner is….

We’ve got all the amazing details on the last couple of days of Olympics 2012, including the winners of sing and Olympics.  A close race right until the end!!!

Day 4: Apache! Jump on it! Jump on it! Jump on it!

Morning activities started with Red Jesters in the lead and ended with Blue Royalty pulling in just a bit higher. This year really has us waiting until the very last moments of this competition. While camp spent the morning at their regular scheduled activities; basketball, soccer, ghost, gaga, tennis, and so forth, you could feel the excitement building for The Great Apache Relay.

The Great Apache Relay is a camp-wide relay race that covers every inch of our Pocono home. Every single camper participates in an event that can range from a lap around the track to swamping a canoe to whistling with crackers in your mouth! It is one of those rare moments where everyone in camp has the chance to work together towards one single outcome. At the final event, Fire Brigade (where campers shuttle two tiny cups of water across the field to fill two jugs), Red filled their jug first and the air horn sounded. Blue was a mere two minutes behind and everyone came out a winner.

It certainly was one of the most exciting Apache’s in recent history.

The waterfront is always a pleasure for spectators to watch the end of Apache with the various activities in the lake, kayaking, rowboat, sailing, canoeing and so on. The lead changed a several times over the 2 hour event while a rain storm in the distance loomed ahead of us. But the rain waited until we all got back to our bunks (which we think was very polite) and we all got a chance to rest a bit with sound of rain on the bunk roofs.

It was a short storm and dinner went on as did Cumulative Long-Jump. Judgie Charlie Neisenbaum was on hand for the judging (he still holds the record for longest camper jump). The Jesters and the Royalty bring it to the concrete… Legs together, swing your arms for momentum, and JUMP! The day ended with Red Jester’s in the lead but the Blue not far behind. And then there was Day 5….

Day 5: Sh- Sh- We’re saving our voices for Sing!

We have not lost our Olympic fever here yet! Have you? The day 5 morning was the strongest display of sportsmanship, comradeship and competition yet. A very important shout-out to the Senior Boys, the 14 year olds and second oldest on boys camp, who embodied everything that Camp Towanda Olympics is about. While they had the competitive spirit, they were honest with the Judgie’s calls (even correcting points for the other teams at times), encouraging all their teammates, all the while playing an excellent game of volleyball. Their game really encompassed the general feel of this Olympics. All of the morning activities echoed these same principals and everyone felt the excitement building over the much anticipated Olympic Sing! We walked into sing with just about a 9 point spread in favor of the Red Jesters.

What a night it was! The teams cheered, marched, sang, clapped and joked about the summer and our 5 Olympic days. Everyone looked regal as ever in their team colors and shirts as we our Towanda Olympics came to an end. Camp got the chance to look at the plaques that will decorate our walls for years to come as well honor campers with the special “Olympiad” award which celebrates representatives from each campus for their outstanding behavior in the past 5 days. Camp would also like to extend a very special congratulations to Matt Miller who was awarded with the “Big O Award”, which gives recognition to a Judge who has gone above and beyond to help make camp Olympics run smoothly.

And now the moment that you have all been waiting for– Blue Royalty won sing by a very small margin, but in the end, The Red Jesters held court as the winners of 2012 Olympics. Congratulations Red Jesters!! Believe it if you can but there was only a 2.2 point difference!!

We closed our night as a Camp Towanda family, watching the Dorm of 2012 sing their Alma Mater again for the last time. Then camp linked shoulders in a mish-mosh of red and blue to sing Friends, Alma Mater, and Taps before going to bed.  We are all looking forward to a Lazy Day today! What a close and eventful Olympics to be a part of.  We hope you have enjoyed our coverage. Our team is moving up to London tomorrow!

*A special thanks to our our correspondent, Judgie Lauren Cohen who has been reporting from the field.  Your blogs have been royally entertaining!

Day 3: Build that Fire Higher Higher!

D-A-Y T-H-R-E-E, that is how we spell DAY 3!!!

Good Afternoon Red Fans, good afternoon Blue Fans!! Yesterday was another great day of spirit, friendly competition, and fun during the 2012 Camp Towanda Olympics. The morning started off strong with another track meet, this time on boys side. It was amazing to see how fast those legs could run. By the time the meet ended and lunch started, the score was closer than ever! Morning activities on girls side were just as exciting and made us realize how amazing these teams are! Just as the one team pulls in the lead, the other one comes up from behind.

After a baked ziti lunch and a much earned rest hour, the sun settled in a cloudless sky–just in time for the girls swim meet and afternoon activities.  Wishy-washy washy-wishy, all the girls can swim like fishies!

Before the pinnacle evening activity, we took a pause from Olympics to have Friday Shabbat dinner as a camp family…the 2012 Dorm Girls lit the candles with the Dorm Girls of 2019 and 2020 (This years’ Debs)!  A special moment in time!

Rope Burning was last night and, as always, it brought all of camps’ hearts together. An alumni Guest Judgie crowd of over 60 judged and spectated the fired up crowd! Win, loose, or draw, Rope Burning is one of the most outstanding evenings to be a part of. Whether you are cheering on the side, passing down the wood, building the fire, judging or spectating, you can feel it–the sense of achievement and pride in your camp family. Maybe it was the size of the fires this year, or maybe it was the true Olympic spirit the seems to be radiating from the outside world into ours, but it was such an outstanding display of sportsmanship, teamwork, and determination. We are proud of both of our teams and extend a very special congratulations to the Red Jesters on their victory last night.  Their fire was “no joke”!

Both teams celebrated as if they won the FINAL 4 with milk and cookies and then ETB while counselors chiseled away at the scenery and  team plaques for Sunday Night’s sing.

Today is apache relay and tonite is the cumulative broadjump contest (which should be live on the Camp Cam!). We are doing our best getting you live coverage.  Hopefully our blog, Facebook and CampMinder pics are filling in the gaps for you all at home!

We had to share some perfectly put words from an Alumni/Parent/Guest Judgie just to give you a sense of what it feels like to witness this Camp Towanda Olympics firsthand:

On a day when the lead in Olympics changed hands more than once – a pretty amazing thing in and of itself given that there have already been thousands of Olympic points awarded – and the evening concluded with a spectacularly thrilling rope burning, it was especially clear to me how fortunate I am to be both a Towanda parent and also an alumni Judgie.   And today, more than ever, it was easy to see that one of the things which is most amazing about the way Olympics is conducted at Towanda is how naturally it teaches the kids the meaningful relationship between having a rich competitive spirit while at the same time maintaining the overriding importance of true sportsmanship.

When looked at from a parent’s perspective, it’s easy to understand how instilling in the children this keen value of fairness will have a lifelong – and no doubt very positive – impact on so many of the relationships which they will form as they travel down life’s road.  And what’s particularly special is how the kids so naturally learn this life lesson; it really is beautiful to see.

Rope burning tonight was the perfect example of that.  To have the entire red team cheer on the blue team after red had burned down their ropes in near record time was positively wonderful.  This sportmanship, this spirit, this remarkable demonstration of the bonds which are created and fostered at Towanda, all combine to create a powerful testament to the value of what’s being learned here at camp, and all while the kids are having the time of their lives.  Lucky for them, and lucky for us.

Day 2: Swim & Track Meets were a “Knockout”!

Day 2 of Olympics could not have been more picture perfect! Glorious blue skies and sunshine set the stage for the day’s events, Girls’ Track Meet and Boys’ Swim Meet!  After eggs and tots, an all campus clean-up (which was a judged event) and inspection, all the campers headed to their respective activities.  The entire Girls’ side raced to the soccer pitch where the girls’ track meet was taking place.  Tennis Robert sounded the horn and they were off! Girls’ Head Counselor Amy Miller took the mic, announcing all 58 races and events.  The girls ran Marathons, 40-70 yard dashes, 1/2 laps, 1 laps, 2 laps, 4 x 1 relays, 4 x 1/2 relays, Potato Shuttles, Softball Throws and the big All-Star and Counselor Relays!  The girls raced by the Judgies in flashes of RED and BLUE.  No matter the race, every camper finished with pride hearing their teams cheer them on! “We will we will attack on the track!”, “Come on Red, Beat Blue”, “Come on Blue, Beat Red” and so on and so on.  LOTS OF CHEERING!  The CCs, Generals and Counselors ran alongside their campers on the inner circle of the track helping them keep their stride to the finish line.  While the campers ran a few great races, those CCs and Generals ran all 58! Now that is teamwork, commraderie and what the Olympics is all about!

While the girls were running, the Jets/Cadets played Basketball, Middies Soccer, Juniors Team Handball, Inters and Nationals hit the GHOST court, the Seniors/Club Softball and an epic LITS Football game (best of the summer!).

By mid-day it was time for American Pie bugle call for Mac & Cheese and a delicious salad bar (plus a Jonesy cookie or two!).  Rest Hour was filled with tennis matches and rope burning wood collection for tonite’s big event, an LIT soccer game that ended in a shoot out, and CITs Ghost and Counselor Volleyball! All getting cheered on by their campers!

In the afternoon, it was time for the Boys to hit the pool! They set up their cheering section on the hillside looking out at the lake.  The waterfront looked incredible with the backdrop of blue and red shirts cheering on their teammates in the pool!  No matter the race, breaststroke, freestyle, backstroke, relays or kickboard races, the teams wished each other luck and swam their hearts out! The brotherhood these kids feel for each other is so apparent and so strong.  Even though they were racing against each other, there was so much respect amongst these friends, bunkmates, teammates and opponents. Most importantly, everyone (including the Judgies!) had a blast at the Swim Meet…all 55 races!

While the boys swam, the Debs/Dillies kicked it at Kickball, Tweens dribbled away at Basketball, Juniors “called the ball (or it’s gonna fall”) at Newcombe, Inters and Nationals got to bust some ghosts at GHOST, Seniors had a go at Soccer, while the Dorm went gaga for Gaga.  And the LITS topped it off with a great Softball game.

Evening activity was Knockout!! A Camp Towanda event held on all the basketball courts.  Did all those campers realize that practicing Knockout all summer at Under The Lights would help them in this Olympic Event!?

The night ended with our staff getting in on the games: Counselor soccer and KMP Ultimate Frisbee.

Only 6 points separates the Red Jesters from the Blue Royalty. So what does that mean? The counselors did great splits; the coaches are doing their best; the kids are SO into it and the Judgies are making it happen!

Stay tuned tomorrow for the Day 3 Olympic Daily Digest.  Did you miss the Day 1 recap? Check it out here on the Blog: we challenge NBC for the best Olympic news coverage anywhere!

As we head into tonite’s emotional and intense rope burning, we wish both teams the best of luck.  We know it will be a memorable evening for everyone.

Good luck Red Jesters. Good luck Blue Royalty.