Day 5: Olympic Sing, RED & BL-UNITY forever!

blue2013 Olympiad came to a close with an incredibly spectacular Sing Night and an emotional evening for everyone.

The Field House was transformed into a BLUE CLONING factory with impressive special and entertaining special effects AND A FRENDLY AND FUN ZOMBIE GRAVEYARD. Skit Entrances, Songs, Comic songs and plaques were  presented.

zombiesAfter an entertaining and electric evening the Blue Clones won Sing and the RED Zombies won Olympics by just 94 points (out of over 5000)!

Camp came together as the Dorm Girls sang their Alma Mater one last time and then the Club Boys joined them to lead the entire camp with Friends, Alma Mater and Taps.

A great week of sportsmanship, incredible positive attitude, healthy competition, fun and life-long bonding memories.  Olympics at Camp Towanda ties together everything we have worked towards this summer.  We all feel great!

bluep redp

Here are the official songsheets from the Red & Blue teams and the Judgies. Sing along and enjoy!


Olympics Sings Olympics Sings1

Olympics Sings2

Olympics Sings3

Olympics Day 3 & 4: On Fire!

lineupFrom Rope Burning to Fire Brigade, day 3 and 4 turned up the heat!!!  Here are some highlights from the Judgies in black.

judgiesOn Day 3, the Boys had their showdown on the track at record speeds, culminating in a classic Judgies vs. Generals race for the record-books. Two heats of Judgies from four different eras competed against the Zombie and Clone Generals.  Casper joined in the race, helping the Judgies win by a “nose” as the Blue General, Diego “Day La Fuente” took one for the team at the finish line!  It was the perfect way to end our morning at the track.

kickboardThe Girls headed to the waterfront in the afternoon to swim like fishies at the Swim Meet.  Excellent efforts, cheering and spirit.  After the one lap kickboard race, one camper said “THAT WAS SO FUN…I didn’t know I was so good at kickboarding!”

From the Judgies point of view, the campers have really tried SO hard.  They left nothing on the field.  They pushed themselves to do their absolute best.  They participated in EVERYTHING…even if it was a little outside their comfort zone.  It’s all for the team.

bluecircleBy Day 3 dinner time, you could feel the electricity in the air.  A shift in energy.  The camp was getting pumped up.  The song “LIGHT EM UP” by Fall Out Boy played over the loud speakers as the teams entered line up.  At dinner, the Red and Blue teams took turns, pumping up their team for ROPE BURNING! Everyone participated in Rope Burning, even if they are on the sidelines.  The cheering section brandonis equally important to those who are geared up to help “build that fire, higher higher”.  When the Judgies arrived at Skyview Field, you could hear a pin drop.  The Blue and Red Ropeburning teams sat in the ceremonial circle in absolute silence.  Their Generals and Ropeburning coaches gave inspirational pep talks, helping them understand they will remember tonight for the rest of their lives.  For the Alumni Judgies, this blueropetradition evokes incredible memories and nostalgia.

It is so hard to explain how Rope Burning is the best night of camp…but it is true.  It holds special significance for the Club boys building the fire, but the whole camp really comes together.  It is epic.

winThe rope burning teams were incredibly focused and determined, from the wood gatherers to the runners to the sorters to the stackers to the feeders to the firebuilders.  When Blue lit their fire first and burned the first rope, it looked like a sure thing.  But their fire started to shift away from the top rope, and Red came back to burn their second rope in under 13 minutes.  Blue burned their top rope just a minute later.

marblesAfter it was done and the fires extinguished, the emotions were indescribable.  Dorm and Club uniting under the firey sky.  All ages, boys and girls, congratulating, crying, hugging (lots of hugging), smiling, all exhausted and energized at the same time.  This is when camp comes together.  Camp brothers and sisters leaning on each other.

There was no slowing down on Day 4 of Olympics.  A morning of activities, some beef-a-roni for lunch (to which the whole mess hall was cheering “Beef-a-Roni”!!!), and then the Great Apache Relay (did you follow the live social media feed from the race course?).

apacheoffThe Apache consists of over 200 events that end in the Fire Brigade at the waterfront.  Events include athletic challenges, crazy tasks and silly fun.  You could have a Deb in a potato sack hopping across girls camp against an Upper Camp boy! Anything goes in Apache.  And the lead often changes MANY times.

We encountered a 10 minute rain shower…okay, downpour, but that did NOT slow down the relay.  The baton changed hands over 200 times.  There was a lot of running.  Kyle Manes and Jonathan Penner, two incredible staff, ran alongside the campers during the entire race which finished in under 2 hours.  Other Judgies followed on a golf cart, Generals on bicycles, campers and fans on foot.  It was incredibly organized and smooth! Everyone contributed to the outcome.  In the end, Red filled their water jug first in Fire Brigade and they were declared the winner by a small margin.

Last night was silent BBQ (yes, this is a judged event) and knockout.  We cannot believe Olympics is coming to a close tonight and look forward to the much-anticipated Olympic Sing and skits.

Good luck Red Team. Good luck Blue Team.

A big thank you to all the Alumni and Guest Judgies who helped make this Olympics such a success.

runsweeprunlake sackRAIN Apache push!swampcanoefirebrigadewinner


Why Sleepaway Camp is Good for Kids…and Parents!

So can you believe your kids are coming home THIS WEEK?! Where did this summer go?! Thank you so much for entrusting us with them this summer.

We have watched them grow leaps and bounds, thrive in ways you could never imagine, make their own choices and try new things.  We also watched them navigate challenging waters, advocate for themselves, tumble but not fall and SOAR.  The power of Camp Towanda is truly magical!

marnieI’m sure as you reflect on the summer that was, you also feel as parents that you learned some things about yourselves…especially to our first time parents.  How far you have come in the past 7 weeks?  From tear-filled sunglasses on June 22nd to now, as you anxiously await the return of your changed child.  They are older, braver and more independent.  They return home more confident, compassionate and respectful.  What is it about camp that makes that all so possible?  Part of it is because they are in the “No Fly Zone”.

It’s no secret that this generation of parents has been dubbed “The Helicopter Generation”.  With all the information and access we get to our kids’ lives for 10 months of the year, we are able to influence so much in their lives (of course from a place of love).  How liberating (and a little scary) did it feel this summer to lose that control?  Three of my favorite books, “Homesick and Happy“, “Free Range Kids” and “Blessings of a B Minus” helped me manage ‘helicoptering’ my own children…but I have to say….I think sending your kids to sleepaway camp is absolutely the best cure for helicoptering!

runningBack in June, do you remember worrying that your child should not be in a bunk with “Jane” and you were so concerned that you called and emailed camp a dozen times? And now Jane and your daughter are arm in arm in nearly every photo? Or that you wanted your son to have extra time at lacrosse because that’s the only sport he likes…and now he wants to play tennis and take an art class in the fall? Or you were so worried that your daughter was sending home letters that she was so homesick and last you saw, she was on stage singing her heart out and wrote that camp is amazing.  Or you wanted to send up special food because your son only eats bagels at home…and now he is insisting you make chicken patties as his homecoming meal!?

dadThis is the magic of camp…kids discovering new things about themselves.  Making mature observations and choices about friendships without their parents’ influence.  You can only imagine how far they have come!  But I applaud you for how far you have come too! While they were coping with feelings of homesickness, you were coping with feelings of ‘childsickness’.  When you get your Child 2.0 back home with you, will you let them tumble, but not fall? Will you be the safety net but not the harness? Will you let them be okay in their own hands?  In the past 2 months, you have done these things by sending them to camp.  You should be proud of them.  And proud of yourself.

with girlsThank you again for the incredible honor it is to be your child’s Camp Director with my husband Mitch.  We take being Camp Parents and your parenting partners very seriously.  Please keep us posted in the off-season about their successes, accomplishments and achievements no matter how big or small.  We share your joy in their growth and look forward to cheering them on from the sidelines, until June 2014 when we get a front row seat!

Enjoy the week!


Olympics Day 2: Pull that rope!


And we’re off!!

Olympics 2013 is off to an incredible start.  Intense spirit, effort and pride everywhere.  From the creative athletic apparel (did you know you can play soccer in a tutu?) to the chants and cheers, Olympics is very much HERE!


For those of you who may have tuned into the Camp Cam for your daily weather check, we had a nice weather day (with a few spots of rain).  All sports were played.  In the morning we had Girls’ Track Meet.  From the marathon to the potato shuffle to the 4 1/2 relay, those girls ran their hearts out (with the Generals, CCs, Lieutenants and Sergeants running along side them for EVERY RACE).  While they ran the track, the boys competed in basketball, soccer, team handball, softball, football and GHOST. The Grand Master reported some games were down 2-0 in best of 5 to come back to win!!

DSC_0065During rest hour, tennis, soccer, co-ed CIT Ghost were played, while the Senior/Club/LIT boys collected wood for tonight’s rope burning (the Club boys have been practicing with their coaches–it should be an incredible event tonight…you’ll have to check it out on the Skyview Camp Cam!).

IMG_0198In the afternoon, the boys headed to the waterfront for their swim meet.  The water was a little cool, but that just made the boys swim faster.  Kick-board and kayak races, freestyle relays and the All-Star Race.  Everyone competed, tried their very best and congratulated their friends in the next lane.  The Girls rocked the fields in kickball, basketball, newcombe, Ghost (of course), soccer, gaga and softball.

IMG_9610As our last Friday evening at camp, we continued the tradition where the Dorm and Deb girls light the candles and welcome us to our Shabbat dinner.  To see our 8 year old Debs with our 15 year old Dorm girls…it just reminds us how far these girls and all our campers have come.  We had an abridged service, the Red Zombies and Blue Clones did some entertaining skits and everyone got ready to PULL THAT ROPE!

IMG_9706Tug of War was under an incredible sky on Skyview, under the lights.  Everyone gave it their all, cheered with pride and celebrated with some milk and cookies!

After Tug of War last night, the National boys basketball game went into OT!!!  Fast-paced, evenly matched, well-fought.  The coaches were really proud of their boys!!!  A great end to Day 2!

Excitement, tradition and warmth are everywhere here at Camp Towanda with over 50 Guest Alumni Judgies swarming and feeling nostalgic!  It’s amazing that no matter how long it’s been since they were a camper or counselor, just being here makes them feeling like it was just yesterday!!! Having them here helps make Olympics that much better!


At the end of the 2nd day, the BLUE CLONES are ahead of the RED ZOMBIES by just 13 points and consider that 2200 points have been awarded this far.

TONIGHT is the great ROPE BURNING event, considered to be the best night of camp!  Stay tuned….

Events are underway today…Boys Track Meet, Girls Swim Meet and lots of activities on the fields and courts.

Good luck Red Team. Good luck Blue Team.


Olympics Day 1: Rain or Shine…Game on!


A little rain doesn’t stop Olympics!!!

Despite the gray skies, mist, rain and damp chill; NOTHING stopped ALL the CAMPERS and STAFF from wanting to get out on the fields to play!

rainIn between heavy downpours, we got in most of the scheduled competition between The RED ZOMBIES and BLUE CLONES.

From my vantage point as the Grand Master of Ghost, I witnessed the best match ever of Debs & Dills, playting with their heart and soul in the mud and drizzle…to a tie-breaker; the same was true for the Tweens and the Middie Boys.  An intense coed LIT best of 5 went the distance through rain and mud as well.

girlsThe thrills, the cheering and the concentration was wonderful!  From the coaches to generals to the amazing judgies (consisting of over 65 visiting alumni)!

The reports are that all activities were the same intensity and spirit; From volleyball, soccer and indoor basketball to Gaga and softball!

ghostIt is so evident that all that our camp is about comes to fruition in these latter days of the summer; the camaraderie, the respect, the reaching for one’s personal best, the becoming comfortable outside of one’s comfort zone and the genuine pride, sportsmanship and deep friendships are making this OLYMPICS indicative of why we are all here.

soccergirlsIt is a proud feeling that I see and sense on everyone; including the alums that have just showed up; they see it, too!

At the end of Day ONE, there is just a 2 ½ point difference between the teams…how about that?

ghost2Songs of the day played here: TIME OF THE SEASON by the Zombies and and WE ARE ALL CLONES by Alice Cooper.

Today will be beautiful! Cool in the low 70s… a great day for the track and swim meets and tug of war!! PULL, THAT, ROPE!!!!

Good luck Red Team. Good luck Blue Team.

My life as an Olympic Judgie

Every year, we look forward to alumni joining us as Guest Judgies during Olympics!  Last summer two alums, Liza “cc” Prussin (Tish) and Tina “cc” Kunkin (Schweid) shared their perspectives on being a Guest Olympic Judgie and experiencing life on “the other side”…as a grown-up at Camp Towanda!

FIRST UP: A Q&A with Liza Prussin Tish (mother of two Towanda kiddies and camp-crazed alumnus)

What is your favorite thing about being a Guest Judgie?

My favorite thing about being guest judge is just having the honor.  I remember as a kid looking up to the Judgies as being the top.  Being able to enjoy Olympics just as much as the kids do is amazing.

How has Camp Towanda Olympics changed? How has it stayed exactly the same?

For the most part Olympics is the same.  The intense feeling across camp is still present today.  The kids say they live 10 months for 2.  Within those 2 they live 7 weeks for 1.  The few changes are really just new sports that have evolved over time.  The Generals and Lieutenants and Sergeants being kept under wraps until break is very different but at the same time it just adds more element of surprise to breakout.

Describe what it feels like to be back at camp as a “grown-up” for 5 straight days?

Being back at camp as a “grown-up” makes me feel like a kid again.  Being able to watch my own 2 kids having the same experiences that I had is an amazing thing.

What was your favorite event to Judge and why?

It’s hard to pick one event as my favorite to judge.  I really enjoyed it all but I would say nothing comes close to the intensity of the Apache Relay.

What is your favorite Olympics memory of all time?

My favorite Olympic memory of all time would have to be hearing my name called as a Camper Captain of the Red Vagabonds.

It is an awesome week!!!


AND NOW, Tina’s take on her stint as Guest Judgie, and why she just can’t get enough of Camp Towanda! 

TKS: It is so amazing you can have a full life: an amazing husband, two wonderful kids, a fulfilling job, great friends and be truly happy…yet still when you get to Camp Towanda, within minutes it all disappears…POOF! I am in a whole new world!

There is something so magical about Towanda, the smells, sounds, atmosphere, that when I walk around I feel at peace.  Within minutes of my arriving at camp to be a Guest Judgie, I immediately had a whole crew of people; some of which I just met, yet it felt like I had known them forever.  We ate meals together, shared inside jokes and a bunk!  Some were alumni from a different generation.  Some were spouses of alumni or Senior Staff.  But for those couple of days, we were family!

The relationships that form at camp are so special, so rare that only another fellow camper understands. When I am at camp I am Tina “CC” Kunkin all over again, and for 36 hours this summer that was fantastic!!

Coming back as a Judgie was one of the most amazing experiences I have ever had. I mean that literally! Watching camp in full swing with all the Olympic spirit and intensity was great. Seeing all the red and blue throughout the camp made me smile. I was so proud to be alumni and to be part of this year’s events.

The Senior Staff reminded me of exactly why I love Towanda- they each get such a sense of joy from making each event special for the kids. The care and thought that they put into every day at camp is so obvious. Each event I judged was special; BUT there was something remarkable about the boys swim meet (sorry I did not get to judge the girls). Watching these young men throw themselves into the pool and swim their hearts out made me so emotional. Maybe it is because I have two boys that will one day be Towanda campers or maybe it was because the amount of focus and joy these kids had for each of the 55 events was inspiring.

Towanda holds such a special place in my heart, it always brought me joy and comfort as a camper; it taught me how to rise above, it taught me that I was good enough and that I had real friends that I could depend on. There is something euphoric about Towanda and all that it continues to bring into my life.

Tina and Liza will be up at camp again this week for Olympics, dressed in black and ready to join the JUDGIES!

THIS IS IT- Olympics 2013!!!!!


mitch and steph                   bob and amy                     michael and lisa

It started on Visiting Day, the clone pictures were popping up around camp; really scaring us all a bit…or fooling us……. One night I had the Bob & Amy pix in the mansion living room…and I jumped!

They were on the porch, at the board, at line-up, on the golf cart, at tennis, on the courtyard, in the alley, on OD patrol at night and yes looking at the camp cam and at the amphitheater…. Each day, moving around… we were all having fun with it and the talk was that it was spooky fun!


That’s it, just a fun camp thing…not one mention of a possible theme for Olympics.

Fast forward to today; another top 10 beautiful day…activities, inter camp games and the intense scrutinizing anticipation and bewilderment of when, how and will Breakout happen… at breakfast, lunch or dinner…but how?  We are going to the County Fair Friday????

airbandsEvening activity was AIRBANDS; a very entertaining lip sync/MTV type of night…. Different groups performing and cracking up the crowd at the same time…..everyone gathered in the amphitheater as a beautiful sunset transformed the sky.  Although the crowd, from the youngest Deb and Jets the “on the edge” to Club/Dorm watched and participated……all eyes were on “anything”!


The last act to perform was a group called “The Clones”, consisting of HC’s Bob, Amy, Michael and Lisa, along with Mitch and Stephanie…we got on stage, dressed in the exact same outfits as our clone pictures, who were already on stage…….


The spotlights burned through the air, and then the music from Michael Jackson’s Thriller began… The HCs started to do their best Michael Jackson Thriller dance as I pounded on the stage floor.

A trap door slid away and 2 aluminum hoses flopped onto the floor facing the audience…. Thick, heavy, low lying mist crept along the floor towards the crowd, down the steps of the stage, engulfing the stage floor and down onto the lawn towards the kids…. the mist grew more eerie, thicker and engulfing the entire amphitheater……. As the smoke, fog and mist were cut by the beams of the spotlights.


The Thriller music stopped…and then Pink Floyd’s IS ANYBODY OUT THERE started.

On stage thru the mist appeared SIX zombies creeping thru the fog towards the audience AND 6 CLONES (in full body blue hazmat suits wearing a HUGE mask face that matched our clone cutouts)…..As they they stood facing the crowd in the mist, the banners unfurled; the air horns blasted, the music grew louder and then…

breakout 003

The head judge announced : THIS IS IT, Towanda..OLYMPICS 2013!!

Pandemonium, thrills, screams, hugs, tears, huddles, as the generals, camper captains, lieutenants, and sergeants were read!  Everyone was happy for them…..

The cloud and mist continued as the team splits were read and everyone joined their team.


After brief team meetings, both teams line dup on the grassy knoll  as we lit the Olympic rings to the Olympic fanfare.  Olympic taps..all to bed.

To say the least, it was great. Putting it together is like organizing, preparing and getting ready for a big show while the sell out crowd is already in the audience!  it was fun and everyone felt a part of it.  Lots of grins and great feelings.

Good luck to the RED ZOMBIES and BLUE CLONES!

Let the games begin.  I will be at Ghost!

We’re Good Sports!

soccerteamIn addition to the family atmosphere, the intense spirit, tradition, legacy and incredible camaraderie that flows through our camp, the summer of 2013 has also been a very successful season for Towanda Athletics.

We are proud of our kids’ sportsmanship, participation and respect of other camps, as well as teamwork and Towanda pride.

Although our tournaments are still going on as we speak, we thought this would be a good time to share a recap of the ‘lucky summer of ’13’:

Everyday, our campers are engaging in instruction, skill development and games in virtually every sport.  Our coaches, who consist of professionals, high school coaches and college players are top-notch and work with groups, teams, and individuals.

We offer what we call MasterCamp Clinics in Tennis, Soccer, Gymnastics and Basketball throughout the summer, for those campers who want extra focus in these sports (adding Lacrosse in 2014).

We have a very healthy balance and well-rounded program that keeps ALL our campers very happy, motivated and excelling; from our awesome and excellent athletes to our campers who “could go either way”!

Our kids thrive because we don’t put on the pressure and give the parents a much-needed break from getting caught up in the competition from afar (which is why we don’t live-tweet games or share daily scores).  Some of our families are in the intense sports circuit for 10 months of the school year with travel sports and practices. It’s refreshing that when the pressure is off…our kids are winners!  They feel good, everyone plays and it is a team that cares about each other!

We offer different levels of competition based on levels of interest and ability.  For those who are interested in continuing an intense focus in a particular sport, we offer plenty of opportunity through MasterCamp and Tournament play.  For those who want to try something new or less competitive, we offer friendly competition through inter-camps and scrimmages.  We participate in a great program with other Wayne County Camp Association camps including: Wayne County Tournaments (which run all summer and are single elimination), Inter-camp Tournaments, Towanda Invitationals and Fun Friday Inter-murals.  And of course, the grand daddy of them all…our Camp Towanda Olympics (which is also the most fun and spirited).

As you know, Camp Towanda is about so much more than sports, although they are of course a big part of our program.  To date, we have had over 40 wins in Wayne County Camp Association soccer, basketball, baseball, football, tennis and lacrosse tournaments; including (only to date so far) SIX Championships and SEVEN 2nd Places. Still to come, another 12 teams have reached the championship round (yet to be played).  In addition, we have won FOUR Towanda Invitational Tournaments so far and victories in casual inter-camp playdates.

Regardless, win or lose, the teams are called up to the flagpole for recognition!  Because we are really most proud of the excellent sportsmanship, team support and camaraderie which is paramount to our coaching philosophy and our Towanda values!

tennis soccer  lacrosse  gym

hockey golf brandon   basketball

Something in the air tonight…

It’s time for another edition of Mitch’s blog/mix mashup…Camp Towanda updates set to music (we’ve added the You Tube music links for your listening pleasure).  With week 6 getting underway, there is definitely something IN THE AIR TONIGHT.

Greece1YELLOW SUBMARINE. Yesterday actually felt like a Sunday.  Dark, damp and heavy downpours. Actually felt good; giving us a chance to have some rainy day activities , extended rest hour and a little “Bunk-O” before our indoor rainy day BBQ!

Staff presentation of GREASE was fantastic! Great sprit, great sing alongs and then…

The Olympic fever triggered; rumors of psych outs and fake outs have begun. Very intense;
At flagpole line up last night, there was strange delay with the flag lowering bugle…created quite a stir.

Then at tonight’s  show, there were reports that my shirt color, my raincoat, kept changing colors every few minutes… red to blue to red to blue! At the end of Friends, Alma Mater & Taps, the lights went out, Pink Floyd’s ““Is there anybody out there?” intro sounded, the fog horn blasted; kids and staff started screaming and then I simply announced  there was going to be an 8:30 AM Reveille!

You can sense the excitement and anticipation…who knows when, how , where and what??????  Stay tuned..will be in a few minutes?, hours?, days?  Or at all!!!

After taps, I marched the TWEENs through the shadows of the night lights , serpentined around the older kids who were under the basketball lights…into the mess hall, then into the kitchen where they thought they were going to mop and clean; instead, I surprised them with make your own ice cream sundaes; it was all fun and games until Stephanie heard the noise came into the kitchen and we all scattered…hiding under the cook’s table, in the vegetable section and the walk in fridge….Stephanie caught us, but then joined us in the ice cream party… it got crazy as I “distributed” the toppings in an incredible dumping of “way too much oreos, sprinkles and syrup” to the kids…it flowed over their bowls, on their arms, down the table and onto the floor…everyone was laughing in amazement and incredible disbelief…  a great fun ice cream party….afterwards, they marched silently through the night back to their cabins, not getting caught by The Head Counselor, whispering “this never happened”…a secret between, me, Stephanie and the Tweens! SHHHHHHHH.

After cleaning and resetting the kitchen, we did the same thing with the Middie Boys; all the same except, the boys were really sloppy and smelly!

Just completing an OD patrol with Stephanie and Amy, The Girls Head Counselor (HC), we talked about how incredible the aura of camp is, we proudly refer to the special feeling that happens at camp once we pass the visiting day hump…everyone is smiling, feeling good, active, excited and just overall, part of the Camp Towanda FAMILY!

I feel that I am not even coming close to what happens here; there is a bond and sense of being part of something special and welcoming and comforting; that just brings out the best in each individual here.

Okay, I’m actually going to go to bed soon…
Good night Towanda

-I SCREAM Mitch and 2 SCOOPS Stephanie

PS: I actually have fun thinking of Song Titles!

Friday Night Sermon: Erica Gulliver


This is “Erica Media”‘s 7th summer at Camp Towanda.  While she is usually behind the camera, producing Friday Nite Flix or managing her amazing team…a couple of weeks ago, Erica gave a beautiful sermon at Friday Night Services (proceeding another amazing Friday Nite Flix of course!).  Enjoy:

My experience at Camp Towanda has not been the typical experience. I may not have grown up at camp in the traditional sense, but I have, in fact, grown up at camp. This summer marks my 7th year as a member of the Camp Towanda family. It seems appropriate that 7 is a lucky number and this is, of course the lucky summer of 2013. Luck, or fate, definitely played a small part in my arrival at camp. In the winter of 2006, as I was trying to dwindle down my summer employment options, it came down to two camps; Camp Towanda, and another camp. Although I didn’t know it at the time, I did perhaps the single most important thing I’ve ever done; I flipped a coin, and it came up Towanda. Even during my first summer, I knew I had discovered something very important, and something special. It didn’t take long before Mitch started talking to me about what we would do the next year, and the year after that, and of course, the year after that. Camp is a part of my life. It’s a huge part of my life. During the past 7 years I have lived in 6 different apartments in 3 different countries and the only place I have known that I would truly feel home was Camp Towanda. Camp is so much my home in fact that my mail gets delivered here, all year round. Often at camp you hear people talking about the real world, or returning to real life, but for the lucky few of us, Camp is real life. We still live 10 months for two but instead of boarding the buses in August and figuratively carrying camp with us, we literally hold on to camp throughout the winter preparing for the day when the campers will once again wash upon the shores of Towanda.

At the end of each week, and each summer, I am entrusted to produce Friday Nite Flix and with each episode I try to produce the best FNF I can and present it as my gift to camp but no matter how good each show is (and I do hope you enjoy them), it doesn’t compare with the gifts camp has bestowed upon me.  Camp has provided me with the opportunity to grow, both personally and professionally, to learn and to make mistakes. There is no way to truly express the importance of the friendships I have made here. Towanda is a beautiful camp with amazing facilities, but it is the people I have met here who have truly had a lasting impact on me. Through good times and bad, both at camp, at home and around the world, there is no one you can count on like someone from Camp Towanda. Every person you see around you is a potential life long friend. Friendships are very easily to come by at camp, but you must remember how valuable they really are. Praise your friends when they are doing good and support them when they need it. Tell you’re friends what they mean to you, as I hope I am telling all of you. I just want you all to know, I think you’re awesome.

To Bob and Amy, Lisa and Michael, I thank you for letting me share in your families, and for providing support and wisdom. To Mitch and Stephanie, who I to look to as my summer parents, I must say thank you. Thank you for helping me along the way, celebrating milestones with me, allowing me to stumble but never letting me fall. I hope everyday to make you proud.

There is no greater feeling then knowing you are loved and supported and all of you provide that feeling for me. If happiness could be located using a map, or maybe a gps, it would bring you here, to Camp Towanda.