Sunday, June 24th, 2012
The first day of camp was an enormous success! Everyone arrived yesterday to cheering crowds! The sun was shinning and everyone was smiling! How could they not be with summer 2012 starting! Today we woke to reveille and reveled in the first flag pole of the summer! The activities were great today, including lots of time spent in the new Gymnastics Pavilion! The sprung floor is definitely a popular spot! You could even say people are flipping for it! (get it!?) There was swimming and soccer, archery and dance and so much more! Tonight’s activities included campfires and Towanda Open (lots of jello tossing and dizzy bat races!). Everyone is happily tucked in tight preparing for another fantastic Towanda Day!
Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter (@camptowanda) for live updates throughout the day! What was for lunch you ask? Twitter knows! And of course, like us on Facebook to check out a daily Instagram pic!